Meditation week 6

Last night was my last class and I can admit it caused me to be a little sad. The progress that I have made in the last six weeks has been proof that I need meditation in my life. And I now see how much work I have a head of myself. What caused me to be sad is that I can’t register for a new class just yet since I’m waiting on a baby. Sita Dookeran offers other topic classes such as health and laws of attraction, which I’m very much interested in. I simply don’t want to take on to much before knowing what this baby will be like.

I felt like yesterday’s class was a closure class, I felt from the energy that a lot of people were satisfied with their progress and others might have needed more time. As for me I feel like this is just the beginning. I loved listening to others experiences and I really look forward to raising my children with this new insight.

A few things that came up that really touched me was one women saying “raising an adult child.” I always had the impression that at some point maybe when the kids move out that we would be done raising them. That was a huge realization that it’s never over, your never done raising your kids.

The other thing was Sita made us recite, “guide them when they ask for guidance.” Other wise we should be letting them go to live and grow as they see fit. Some times I wonder if my parents would have adapted this concept with me if I would be in the same place, living as I do today?

Lastly I realized that parenting takes practice. And I’ve practice new methods with E-C this week and found we had a really good week. I feel really good about it and my husband is willing to try them out as well. It feels really good to have his support.

Every Wednesday when I got home from meditation my mind is whirling with everything that I heard. Mulling it over and trying my best not to forget anything since I cherished every word said in that room from Sita and the others. I’m very happy that I took the class. As soon as I’m comfortable in my routine with new baby I plan on signing up for a class with Sita if possible. If not then I hope one of her teachers in training will be offering a class that I can take.

For more posts on parenting meditation please look at:
meditation week 5
Missed week 4 due to sickness
meditation week 3
meditation week 2
meditation week 1

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