Creative Challenge week 1

Last week I posted a blog about how I am participating in a Creative Challenge. The whole point is to incorporate creativity in your every day life and she offers a theme. Which I must confess I have not been able to follow this week. But here is a glimpse at what me or my 19 month old did to be creative this week.


E-C colours every day but today I allowed her to use markers which is a real treat for her. It seems she was so excited she might have been a little to aggressive. 
Tuesday: Valentine’s day

Her sticker book is even less played with then markers because she would put stickers all over my house. But since we were making Valentine’s day cards I thought it would be extra fun for her to work with them. She was so excited to we spent most of the morning working on this.
Wednesday morning without her being aware I prepared a dress up box with various items some were mine and some were hers. I wish I could capture the look on her face when I pulled the box out and told her she could play with all this stuff, it truly was priceless. Of course the poor dog was subject to the game but she’s a good sport. Next time I plan on taking out old halloween costumes. 
Thursday’s creative action did not involve E-C participating but me finishing the decor in her room. I had purchase those letters months ago and kept putting it off out of laziness. Her Grandma came to get her and I made myself get it done. I experienced all the emotions such as pride and frustration but in the end I was really happy with the result. Until we woke up this morning and found half the letters on the ground. Apparently the two sided tape used wasn’t strong enough. Back to scare one!
First thing you need to know about me is that baking is a serious challenge. I don’t exactly like doing it and I think it’s because most of the time things don’t turn out right. So I thought what a better way to be creative then tackling something I’m not very good at? This morning we got down to business, E-C helped of course. When I searched for a recipe to make I looked for “simple cookies” I figured better start slow. I found this recipe brown sugar cookies. So far they have turned out really good.
Voila here ends my creativity for the week since I don’t work on weekends. I’m very happy to be participating in this challenge it really forces me to think of things to do in this gloomy winter months. I’m looking forward to the snow melting so we can take our creativity outside. 
Here is the link february 13-19 to the creative challenge if your interested. 

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